Conscious Relationships Tools

  Dealing With Triggers:   Tools:    Both parties agree to record any conversations for personal support. Recordings may only be shared with both partners in the room or our therapist, guide, coach.   When someone gets triggered, say “Ouch” all parties agree to stop talking, person who is hurt is to share feelings/emotions  using…

Prayer For Sharing Love in Full Autonomy  

I bless my ancestors for teaching me all these strategies for survival and I am now showing you that our survival requires co-creation with sharing love in full autonomy, and I now invite you to learn with me.  I am no longer willing to participate in the old strategies of enabling, rescuing,  and enmeshment as…

Conscious Couples Agreements

“Transforming Breakdowns into Breakthroughs”   GOALS: A more aware awake  You, In Touch with Your Feelings, Emotions and Needs. To Know the depths of My  Needs, and How to Ask For Them. To share love no matter what. Learn  to communicate with my partner in ways that open My heart. Create greater intimacy outside the…

Prayer For Creating Authentic Intimacy

Creating Authentic Intimacy  This can be used as a prayer or read within ceremony. For a ceremony it is suggested to From the Unified Field of Love and The Power of God that I am… I am transmuting and transcending all definitions of love associated with impulses of trading parts and enmeshment, of feeding, of…

Welcome to Conscious Intimacy 101

How have your intimate relationships been working for you? Would you like something more, something better, something more honest, more stable, and loving. Here is your opportunity see what you have been doing that does not work and be inspired and educated to see what does. We have embarked on a time when more is…


Quite clearly one of the most potent uses a behavioral iridology is for couples who want to improve their relating and relationship. Understanding personality types behind Iris patterns gives us great insights into the dynamics when two people are attracted in relationship. Our iris patterns reveal the strengths that couple will enjoy and the challenges…