Iridology is the study and interpretation of the colored portion or iris of the eye. The iris can be used to reveal the inherited strengths and/or weakness in the body. Iris’ also reveal an individuals personality type, specific creative gifts and lessons that support that learning. Your eyes are your individual contribution to society, humanity and the planet. No two iris’ are alike just as no two people are alike. The ability to understand, and evolve one’s true genius resides in your ability to harness and unleash your true potential. To consciously BE your iris structure. Behavioral Iridology is the work of Jim Verghis that supports people to know and become their authentic self.
There are Two Primary Iris Structures and two Modifiers, together they form four types which become eight that become 16, then 32 and so on. Each a more specific aspect of its previous level. The goal is to learn to become in as many ways as possible all the structures. By actively knowing learning and eventually feeling the attributes of the other structures wholeness within self evolves. The goal is to be all the positive qualities of your structure partly by transforming the negativity of your own Iris Structure. By accepting your lessons as learning, not blaming and taking responsibility to evolve yourself. Your eyes reveal a roadmap to yourself, and you got to be the driver. Choosing to learning your lessons. You can feet comfort knowing that if you missed or skipped a lesson you will get another chance to learn it. In fact you keep getting another chance to learn. Learning each lesson has many, many levels. Learning never ends it just becomes more fine tuned. This is what it means to be more whole, more patient, clam and peaceful, while experiencing deeper knowing about what was really happening not the stories your own mind and others are trying to get you to believe.
Behavioral Iridology allows you to see yourself from your own perspective. Seeing good photography of your won eyes allow you to objectively see your personal Iris Design and read yourself. Take the time to notice the 28 different iris positions in both your right and left eye. Notice your Expression Ring do you process inwardly or outwardly. Is there more structure in your right or left eye, more right brain or left brain. The color eyes reveal your heritage where your roots are from. You have now begun the process of seeing who you, this paves the way to love all the aspects of your self you have judgment about. The process of accepting and loving are birthing in you. You are giving yourself the opportunity to Know Who You Are to be the best you can be. From this perspective your creativity is flowing like it never has, you are passionate about your career, personal health, and are creating healthy relationships all around yourself. You are living a rich abundant life, happy to be alive.
One major component is missing personally an intimate relationship. By understanding your Iris Design you can then predict with about 85% accuracy the kind of mate you will attract for along term relationship. You how have a head start on what makes this person tick, how they will most likely communicate, some of their core needs how they are likely to be when balanced and who they become when out of balance. A whole new perspective on self and intimacy